Friday, 15 May 2015

Russian Women Names

Russian Women Names

Russian Women Names

Russian federation loves a very energetic lifestyle that is indicated not only in its literary works, music, traditions, traditions and festivities, but also in Russian Women Names / Pretty Girls Names and their modifications. Enjoying European name times is one of the exclusive designs of Russian lifestyle. These name vacations started back in beginning Seventeenth millennium with the development of schedules that recognized a lot of Traditional Cathedral team. The day that a particular st. passed away would come to be known as their food day. And because many people of that time were known as after team, they would respect each other moreover to praising the team. With the help of the chapels, these feasts became very well-known and were soon generally known as name times, or Russian angel days.

Also Read:- Russian Girls Names Or Pretty Girls Names 

Over the years, the customized of celebrating name times has reduced in reputation, although plenty of Russian Females, more often than men, still look ahead to nowadays. So, if you’re relationship a Russian lady or are wedded to one, you need to make sure you know her name day.

The wealthy lifestyle and record of Russian federation remains recognized with certain age-old traditions such as Russian name times.

All Globe Interpretation professionals mixed a list of well-known and exclusive Russian Women Names / Russian Girls Names just for you. If for some reason you can’t find the name of your European love, please get in touch with our All Globe Interpretation European professionals and they would be grateful to help you out. We will also be satisfied to help out the actual time frame of the name day of your Russian or Ukrainian Woman.

Top Common Russian Women Names OR Pretty Girls Names

ADELA�DA (Аделаи́да): European way of Old High German Adalhaid, significance “noble sort.”

AFANASIIA (Афана́сия): Elegant way of European Afanasii, significance “immortal.”

AGAFIA (Ага́фья): European way of Latina Agatha, significance “good.”

AGAFIIA: Version punctuation of European Agafia, significance “good.”

AGAFYA (Агафя): Version punctuation of European Agafia, significance “good.”

AGLAII (Аглаий): European way of Ancient Aglaia, the myth name of one of the three Graces, significance “beauty, splendor.”

AGLAYA: Version punctuation of European Aglaii, significance “beauty, splendor.”

AGNESSA (Агне́сса): European way of Ancient Hagne, significance “chaste; holy.”

AGNESSE: Version punctuation of European Agnessa, significance “chaste; holy.”

AGRAFENA (Аграфена): Version punctuation of European Agripena, significance “wild horse.”

AGRAFINA (Аграфина): Version punctuation of European Agripina, significance “wild horse.”

AGRIPENA: Version punctuation of European Agripina, significance “wild horse.”

AGRIPINA (Агрипина): Elegant way of European Agripin, significance “wild horse.”

AGRIPPA (Агриппа): Contracted way of European Agripina, significance “wild horse.” Evaluate with masculine Agrippa.

AGRIPPINA (Агриппина): Version punctuation of European Agripina, significance “wild horse.”

AGRIPPINE: French way of European Agrippina, significance “wild horse.”

AKILINA (Акили́на): European way of Roman Latina Aquilina, significance “eagle.”

AKSINYA (Акси́ния): Version punctuation of European Ksenija, significance “stranger, foreigner,” but sometimes rendered “hospitable (esp. to foreigners).”

AKULINA (Акули́на): Version punctuation of European Akilina, significance “eagle.”

ALEKSANDRA (Алекса́ндра): Elegant way of European Aleksandr, significance “defender of mankind.”

ALEKSANDRINA (Александрина): Pet way of European Aleksandra, significance “defender of mankind.”

ALENA: European way of Ancient Helénē, possibly significance “torch.” Evaluate with another way of Alena.

ALISA (Али́са): European equivalent of English Alice, significance “noble sort.” Evaluate with other forms of Alisa.

ALMA (Альма): European name derived from the name of the River Alma. Evaluate with other forms of Alma.

ALYONA (Алёна): Version punctuation of European Yelena, possibly significance “torch.” This is a popular European name often used in fairy tales.

ANASTASIYA (Анаста́си́я): European and Ukrainian way of Ancient Anastasia, significance “resurrection.”

ANASTASSIA: Version punctuation of Russian/Ukrainian Anastasiya, significance “resurrection.”

ANFISA (Анфи́са): European way of Ancient Anthousa, significance “flower.”

ANIA: Version punctuation of European Anya, significance “favor; grace.” Evaluate with another way of Ania.

ANJA (Аня): Version punctuation of European Anya, significance “favor; grace.”

ANNUSHKA (Аннушка): Diminutive way of European Anya, significance “favor; grace.”

ANTONIYA (Антония): Elegant way of European Antoniy, possibly significance “invaluable.”

ANUSHKA (Анушка): Version punctuation of European Annushka, significance “favor; grace.”

ANYA (Аня): European way of Latina Anna, significance “favor; grace.”

ANZHELA (Анже́ла): European way of Latina Angela, significance “angel, messenger.”

ANZHELINA (Анжели́на): European way of Latina Angelina, significance “angel, messenger.”

APOLLINARIYA (Аполлина́рия): Elegant way of European Apollonii, significance “of Apollo.”

ARINA (Арина): Version punctuation of European Irina, significance “peace.”

ARISHA (Ариша): Pet way of European Arina, significance “peace.”

ASYA (Ася): Pet way of European Anastasiya, significance “resurrection.”

AVDOTIA: Version punctuation of European Avdotya, significance “good-seeming.”

AVDOTYA (Авдотья): European way of Latina Eudocia, significance “good-seeming.”

BOLESLAVA (Болеслава): Elegant way of Slavic Boleslav, significance “large glory.” In use by the Russians.

BORBALA (Борбала): European way of Ancient Barbara, significance “foreign; strange.”

BORISLAVA (Борислава): Elegant way of Slavic Borislav, significance “battle glory.” In use by the Bulgarians and Russians.

BRONISLAVA: Elegant way of Slavic Bronislav, significance “glorious protector.” In use by the Russians.

DARYA: European way of Roman Latina Daria, significance “possesses a lot, wealthy.” Evaluate with another way of Darya.

DUNYA (Дуня): Pet way of European Avdotya, significance “good-seeming.”

DUNYASHA (Дуняша): Pet way of European Avdotya, significance “good-seeming.”

EFIM’IA (Евфимья): Elegant way of European Efim, significance “holy, pious.”

EFIMIIA (Евфимия): Elegant way of European Efim, significance “holy, pious.”

EFROSINIA (Ефросинья): Elegant way of European Efrosin, significance “joy, mirth.”

EKATERINA (Екатерина): European way of Ancient Aikaterine, significance “pure.” Also spelled Yekaterina.

ELIZAVETA (Елизавета): European way of Ancient Elisabet, significance “God is my oath.” Also spelled Yelizaveta.

ESFIR (Есфирь): Version punctuation of European Yesfir, significance “star.”

EVDOKIYA (Евдокия): Bulgarian and European way of Ancient Eudokia, significance “good-seeming.”

EVGENIYA (Евгения): Version punctuation of European Yevgeniya, significance “well born.”

EVPRAKSIYA (Евпраксия): Version punctuation of European Yevpraksiya, significance “good conduct.”


Russian Women Names


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